The Work


Erotic energy is our creative life force and rightful inheritance. Sex generates life, it is essential across all species but as far as we know, erotic imagination and sexual play are exclusive to humans. It is deeply personal and no two expressions are alike.

As social beings, we experience our sexuality through the lens of culture, which is currently a toxic soup of unrealistic standards that fail to recognize, let alone celebrate, our erotic nature. Early education rarely goes beyond basic anatomy and scare tactics. And media and porn sell stories that hardly match reality. Although they are usually well meaning, our families and religious communities are often motivated by fear, driving us toward inauthenticity, diminished self-expression, and separation from our bodies.

Talk therapy can help us understand ourselves, but it is often not enough to support wholly integrated healing. Somatic learning engages our whole Self – body, heart, mind, and spirit. Powerful, lasting transformation can happen when you learn to use your body as a primary guide and teacher, reconnecting its vast intelligence with your mind and spirit. 

My work is somatic, we approach your sexuality holistically, and we establish goals and intentions from the start:

  • We set a space for you to unpack your baggage and be received without judgment. You start to understand who you have been in relationships and sex and who you could be. 

  • We slow way down so that you can meet your body in present time, finding and following subtle cues that get missed at life’s normal pace. 

  • Your stories of confusion and shame are examined and uprooted, your first experiences make more sense, and wholeness and wellness find a home

  • With trust and safety established, we go beyond talking and into practices and experiments to find what freedom feels like for you, underneath the layers of conditioning.  

You’re invited to feel everything – your emotions, wounds and trauma, sensations, fantasies, pleasure, arousal, and ecstatic states. We use breath, sound, movement, mindfulness, and touch and are guided by the wisdom in your pleasure, pain, and protections.

By following your body’s moment-to-moment curiosities and impulses, we nurture your connection with yourself and lay down healthy neurological pathways for continued growth. Our work is experiential and practical, while leaving space for mystery to come forward. I have no agenda outside of your stated intentions and goals and I will do my best to guide you towards them with presence and compassion while helping you develop the skills you need to take our work into your life.   

Erotic embodiment is a powerful way to learn about yourself, your patterns, and your relationships so that you are able to become the person you were born to be, living your greatest service to the world.

A note on Trauma:

Working somatically is particularly effective for healing trauma. Sexual wounds embed in your body’s tissues and responses so that even when your mind says yes, your body may say no, or vice versa.  This can be confusing, especially if you’ve done the psychological work to understand and forgive. Your body needs an environment that is safe enough to meet, feel, and accept the holding patterns that are living in you so that you can begin to unwind them. By moving slowly and attuning to your body’s present time needs, your sessions with me may help you contact, reveal and heal old wounds, restoring your inherent wellness and expanding your body’s capacity for pleasure