Relationship & Intimacy Coach

Somatic Sex Educator


Support For Your Journey Home

Maybe you’re here because you have a feeling that relational and sexual health are essential to your overall well-being but you haven’t been able to fully express or experience the wellspring of pleasure and vitality living inside you.

Perhaps intimate relationships with others feel challenging. You’ve been wounded or betrayed by those you depended on and trusted. To protect yourself, you developed conscious and unconscious strategies to stay safe.

Or, your upbringing required you to reject your natural curiosity in order to ‘be good’, to preserve the status quo or to live up to impossible expectations set by outside forces. Now, you second-guess your inner knowing, you don’t trust your body, shame clouds your desires, and you’re unable to fully bring your soul’s gifts to the World.

Whatever has severed you from your innate wisdom and erotic intelligence, you are not alone.

You know that greater love, deeper connections, better sex, and more freedom are possible but you’re not sure how to make your way back to trusting yourself and your ability to give and receive deep nourishment in all your relations.

I can help guide you there.

As a Somatic Sex and Relationship Coach, I offer support to individuals and couples who are ready to grow beyond their wounding around relationships and sexuality, reclaim their sovereignty and cultivate a life they love, in service to the things they care about, in and out of the bedroom.

Everything you need lives inside of you, but if you don’t know how to ask the right questions, you’re likely driven by patterns rather than what’s calling you home.

Whether you’re seeking nuts and bolts education, support to heal and grow in your intimate partnerships, better communication and relational skills, help with sexual function or healing trauma, or if you want to expand your pleasure map and open yourself to numinous experiences, we’ll work together to grow deeper acceptance and feelings of wholeness in your body, boundaries, desires, and sexuality and we’ll build the skills to sustain it.

…If you’re curious about growing your capacity to receive and give love

…If you want to understand your ever-changing erotic nature

…If it’s time to reclaim your body and your pleasure as yours

…If you’re ready to trade harmful relational patterns for nourishing ones

…If you want to learn practical skills to live your best relational life

…If you’re longing to heal old wounds and traumas to remember your belonging

…If you want your service to the things you love to feel nourishing rather than depleting

…If you want to increase your ability to contribute to a world that needs it

All of you is welcome here.


Work With Me

As a Somatic Sex and Relationship Coach, my mission is to support thriving relationships and sexual well-being for all humans. When we learn to make space for everybody’s full range of erotic expression within agreed upon and honored boundaries, we heal ourselves and each other and we give permission for our deepest desires to come forth in service to ourselves and the wellness of the World.

Individuals and Couples

Groups and Classes

Erotic energy is our creative life force and rightful inheritance.

Sex generates life, it is essential across all species but as far as we know, erotic imagination and sexual play are exclusive to humans. It is deeply personal and no two expressions are alike.

As social beings, we experience our sexuality through the lens of culture, which is currently a toxic soup of unrealistic standards that fail to recognize, let alone celebrate, our erotic nature. Early education rarely goes beyond basic anatomy and scare tactics. And media and porn sell stories that hardly match reality. Although they are usually well meaning, our families and religious communities are often motivated by fear, driving us toward inauthenticity, diminished self expression, and separation from our bodies. Learn More…

Chris’ work has given me a whole new mindset of self-awareness, permission and freedom to bring my true self alive more boldly and consciously. Through Chris’ wisdom and guidance, I’m widening the range and depth of my experiences across the full spectrum of my life: emotional, relational, physical, erotic, intellectual and spiritual.

I feel like I’m stepping through the door into a whole new world.
— Jim

Listen to the podcasts below to learn more about who I am and how I work:


